The importance of Open Source for Education

Building a strong International Network of educational Institutes and Open Source companies

In this article we will try to explain why Open Source is important for Education both IT and generic, and how we try to achieve that by building an international network. First, we have to start with the core principles of Free and Open Source Software. 

Open Source is well known for it's four freedoms, introduced by Richard Stallman in 1986:

 Freedom 0: The Freedom to Run the Program: Users are allowed to run the software without restrictions or limitations.

Freedom 1: The Freedom to Study How the Program Works: Users have access to the source code of the program, allowing them to understand how it works and make changes as needed.

Freedom 2: The Freedom to Modify the Program: Users are permitted to modify the software's source code to suit their needs or add new features.

Freedom 3: The Freedom to Distribute Copies of the Program: Users can distribute copies of the program, either in modified form (if they've made changes) or unmodified.

Software is becoming more and more important, because it influences our entire lives. How can you work, think and educate people with software that you cannot control? Software that not only could, but also does spy on your and your students actions. 

Open Source is for everybody, the right to know what is known about you and what they are doing with your data. Open Source should be used in all schools instead of proprietary software. Forcing students to use proprietary software is, in all honesty, a violation of their rights. 

Our Open Source Education

OpenSource Science, has not only built a 4-year open source curriculum, to train the next generation of foss engineers. We also have developed a program to help all levels of school teachers with using open source software to educate and protect the rights of individuals. To create the next generation of individuals who are better at using and understanding modern technology. A new generation that understands the freedoms they should have as individuals. In the philosophy of OS-SCi we use project-based, problem-based learning where students are participating in real ongoing free and open source projects, working together with open source engineers, both from communities and companies, all through the international network of OpenSource Science. 

Building a network. 

To realize our dreams of a better world with free and open source software, we need educational institutes and open source companies to collaborate with us. OpenSource Science, helps educational institutes improve their education with our curriculum and expertise. Free and Open Source companies and communities partner up with us to build and improve #foss software, which creates value for the community and helps students work on their competences, knowledge and careers in the world of free and open source software. If you need help, or you can help us, feel free to contact us. 

in Reis
AI and the Risk of Data Leakage and mitigation with FOSS